Grinning like a Cheshire Cat

Smile Happy Health Life Man

Why we should all try Smiling More !

The simple act of smiling can transform you and the world around you. Try Grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

Research has shown that a smile is contagious. As it turns out, it is  not just our lob-sided or cheesy grins, but all of our facial expressions that are contagious. We tend to mimic the smiles or frowns of those we come in contact with because it helps us better understand what other people are feeling, which allows us to respond appropriately to the situation we find ourselves in.

Just think about it, it would not be very helpful when your best Friend or Colleague is telling you something dreadful that happened to them, and you sit there Grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Or, they are regaling you with a good ‘Belly Laugh’ of a story and you burst into tears.

As perfumers we love creating fragrances to make you feel happy and beautiful within yourself, and we realise how powerful the sense of smell is.

There is however also magical power in a genuine smile to change the world. It can light up the darkest day and change your mood in an instance.

This is why Smiling is so good for your health, the simple act of smiling activates neural messaging in the brain that benefits your health and happiness. Our feel-good neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and endorphins are all released when a smile crosses our face.

Smile Happy Health Everyone Girl
Smile Happy Health Everyone Girl

So when you smile at someone, they find it very difficult not to return the compliment, they can’t help but smile back!

Try it at home or when you are out and about, make an effort to smile at the people you meet or the people you are speaking or dealing with.

We are convinced that it even works over the phone, if you are speaking to someone on the phone with a smile on your face, they can pick-up the sound of your smile in your voice. Every time you smile at someone, their brain urges them to return the favour and by doing so you are creating a symbiotic relationship that allows both of you to release feel-good hormones in the brain.

It really is a ‘Win-Win’ situation for both of you.

You are both more attractive, more relaxed and more likely to agree and you increase the chances of you both living longer, healthier and most definitely happier lives.

Apart from the rare occasions in life that crop-up now and again, I can’t think of a single good reason why you should not greet someone with a heartfelt smile.

Smile Happy Health Life Girl

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