Now, … the question of ‘How to Perfume Shoes?’ goes ‘hand in hand’ ( or should it be ‘foot in hand’… ) with ‘Smelly Shoes’ in your home.
I know, it does not sound beautiful ( and here at Pairfum we are about beautiful Artisan Perfumes ) – but sadly ‘smelly shoes’ are a reality of life, which is why we believe that a solution to this issue will be welcomed by all.
Below you can see the two solutions we have for you!
1 – The Shoe as a Floral Bouquet
The New York based artist Mr. Flower Fantastic has turned sneakers into floral bouquets.
This is the incredible artist, that turned the Serena Williams’ air max 97 into a floral masterpiece during the US open.
If you please excuse us for the pun- but this anonymous artist, has the whiff of a Banksy about him …
He has made a name for combining Floristry, Sculpture and some people’s must have sneakers, into a Shoe-Bouquet.
It is a fantastic arrangement of buds of varying colours and sizes in the form of an item so familiar to us as footwear.
He uses roses, tulips, orchids, lilies, carnations and a variety of other flowers from across the World: from the Caribbean, the Middle-East and Holland, to North and South America.
These truly amazing artistic creations, would certainly insure that you have ‘wonderfully’ Smelly Shoes – in the nicest possible way …
2 – Fabric Spray for Shoes
On the other hand, if like most of the general population, you have neither the talent, time or money to employ this Shoe Perfuming technique, …
Then we here at PAIRFUM London, have the perfect solution for you: one of our Natural Linen Perfume Sprays.
These sprays are designed to be used on fabrics, they will cause no damage, are long lasting and the natural alcohol used is an excellent disinfectant.
You simply take one of our beautiful Flacon bottles, and spray once or twice into the inside of the shoe.
The nozzle on the bottle is designed to create a very fine mist to cover the inside of the shoe evenly and finely.
You are then ready to slip on your shoes, and meet the day feeling refreshed from head to toe, ….
In Life it is nice to have choices and if you are rushing to get the kids & or yourself out to work & School in the morning, …
(you know the story)
No matter how beautiful Mr. Flower Fantastic’ Smelly Shoes Bouquets are,
we are here to help make it easier to have you and your Family’s Shoes Smelling like Roses
( just could not resist the pun).