As we are celebrating Easter this weekend and in light of the turmoil around the world, Easter is wonderful symbol of rebirth in the world.
We should remember this beautiful saying from Italy:
“Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi!”
In English, it reads as “Christmas for Family, Easter for Everyone”.
A time to remember good Friends, old and new, to perhaps pick up the phone and make that call you have been meaning to for ages, to drop someone an email, or if you can still find ‘Pen & Paper’ in this electronic world of ours, to write someone a letter. We know, it is not as easy as it sounds but now might be a good time.
It doesn’t really matter what you do, it is just that you take your most precious commodity ‘Time’ and make the effort. Just do it and re-establish a contact that might perhaps have fallen asleep. If you prefer to say it with a flower, then this article about the Top 5 x Fragranced Flower for Easter might help
So, from all of us here at Pairfum London, we wish you a very ‘Happy Easter’, wherever you are.
We wish you ‘Time’ to get in touch with Friends and Family, ‘Time’ for yourselves and most of all ‘Time’ to enjoy the People who come into your Life.