The London Design Week this year ran during 19 – 27 September, Â and here are a few of our highlights from a perfumery perspective.
Eau De Lumiere
We previously mentioned ‘eau de lumiere’ being a highlight for us: lights inspired by perfume
click to read “Eau de Lumiere – a ‘light’ Home Fragrance”
IRIS – The Soap Bubble Lights
We then spotted the “Iris” pendent lamps by Sebastian Scherer of Neo/Craft: lights that are reminiscent of ‘soap bubbles’. The inspiration for Iris were bubbles blown by children. It comes as no surprise then that they seem to have a magnetic draw for visitors, wanting to touch and explore their semi-translucent form.
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The soap bubble lights take the form of a permanent bubble:  perfectly spherical, smooth and beautifully iridescence like oil. The iridescence is achieved through a new coating on the glass being used by the designers.
Glass Bubbles
‘Glass Bubble’ seemed to be a recurring theme during the London Design week: the ‘curiosity cloud’ installation and Lee Broom’s ‘Podium’ vases.
Curiosity Cloud
click to see “Curiosity Cloud”
Lee Broom
Lee Broom turns ‘Florist’ for the launch of Podium, a collection of vases.
click to see Lee Broom’s “Podium Vase Collection”
click to see Lee Broom’s “Podium Globe”
General Review
For a more general review, The Telegraph published an article summarising the highlights:
click to read “LDW – Highlights”
The official website for the “London Design Festival” also points towards the ‘installations’: