Royal Wedding Windsor Saturday the 19th of May

A very special and unusual Royal Wedding

In just a week from now Saturday the 19th of May, a Royal Wedding will take place in Windsor when Prince Harry and Megan Markle will be making their vows at St George’s Chapel in the grounds of Windsor Castle. The service which will begin at 12pm and will be conducted by The Dean of Windsor, The Rt Revd. David Conner. While the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will officiate as the couple make their marriage vows.

St Georges Chapel Windsor Castle England Wedding

What makes this a very special and unusual ‘Royal Wedding’ is that ‘The Lord Chamberlain’s Office at Buckingham Palace’ is normally responsible for organising royal weddings. However in this case Harry and Meghan are taking the lead and have said that they wish to have a wedding celebration that “reflects the characters of the bride and groom”. Although the Lord Chamberlain’s Office has not been fully left out, as it is still dealing with all the ceremonial aspects of the day.

Windsor Castle Long Walk England Harry Megan

Invitations have gone out to to 600 lucky guests, with a select 200 close friends invited to an after party at Frogmore House, in the grounds of Windsor Castle. Windsor is preparing to welcome guests and work is well underway to prepare for visitors and well-wishers from across the world. The preparations that are taking place will allow visitors to take part in the celebration and will enable then to view the wedding procession which leaves from Windsor Castle and proceeds through the town centre and then re-enters the Castle via the Long Walk entrance.

Prince Harry Meghan Markle Wedding Route Map

As the beautiful Castle and historic town of Windsor is at the other end of the ‘Long Walk’ from the PAIRFUM London offices ( Neighbours so to speak! ), we intend to pop along to enjoy the celebrations and will keep you updated as it unfolds.

Windsor Castle Long Walk Wedding Harry

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