Sleep Hygiene | The Top 6 x Tips For A Better Night’s Sleep

How To Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

An Introduction To Sleep Hygiene

One of the easiest ways to set yourself up for a great night’s sleep is to pay attention to your sleep hygiene.

Good sleep hygiene requires you to both have a regular routine and an optimised environment to facilitate healthy, uninterrupted sleep. Many steps can be taken to achieve the perfect sleep.  While you should ensure that your bedroom is comfortable as well as free from distractions, a commitment to a calming and relaxing nightly routine and sleep schedule is also essential.

Your sleep hygiene can also be improved by creating other healthy habits throughout the day.

Sleep Hygiene Best Practices

Tip 1: Go To Bed At The Same Time Every Night

For those with a more hectic lifestyle, it can become more difficult to be pinpoint accurate with your bed time. This effect is compounded as your biological clock is fantastically conditioned to anticipate sleep as the sun sets and everyday dusk arrives either slightly earlier or later than the night before.

However, it is vital that you keep to your sleeping routine with military precision, even if you find yourself waking up in what might feel the middle of the night.

Big White Luxurious Bedroom

Tip 2: Avoid The ‘Snooze’ Button At All Costs

Moving on from our first tip, even if you are in complete darkness, the snooze button should not be an option, should you want to regularly sleep well at night.

In fact, consistently oversleeping is not only poor sleep hygiene, but it has a strong causational correlation with depression, diabetes, fatigue and heart disease.

Especially when the clocks are wound back you may be tempted to sneak in an extra hour, but we would advise against it.

Couple In Bed Together Sleepimg

Tip 3: Enjoy The Sun – Whenever You Can

Sunlight is essential in preserving and maintaining not only your metal but also your physical health.

This isn’t to say that you have to walk around with a sun lounger, a simple stroll or jog would be perfect. The exposure to the sun and the wind can not only provide a new perspective, but the Vitamin D3 your skin will produce is something that many people lack despite it being an invaluable micronutrient.

In regards to your sleep, as our bodies are designed for you to be asleep at night, we are equally very much configured to be active during the daylight hours.

Try to work with your body clock, not against it when it comes to sunlight.

Woman Walking On A Beach

Tip 4: Avoid Screen Time Before Bed

Disconnect Electronic Devices!

Try to create 30-60 minutes of buffering time without any electronic devices. Phones, tablets, and laptops cause mental stimulation that is difficult to shut down. The screens also produce blue light, which can reduce melatonin production.

If your partner or roommate is less cooperative and still has their screens activated, then you may also want to invest in a sleep mask for your eyes.

Our bonus tip: you way wish to lightly scent your sleep mask using our pillow spray for a more calming experience.

Bad Sleep Hygiene Habits

Tip 5: Reduce Your Alcohol And Caffeine Consumption

If you wish to maintain your sleep hygiene, we recommend you moderate your consumption of alcohol and caffeine before you got to bed.

You may fall asleep quicker with alcohol, but you won’t sleep as well. It is best to stick to less intense levels of drinking, or even better, to avoid it alltogether in the evening to prevent your sleep getting disrupted.

As for caffeine, you are likely aware that it is a stimulant, rather than a relaxant. Try to avoid consuming it later in the day and especially just before you go to bed.

It is also worth noting that if you are drinking large amounts of coffee to start or get through the day, a far better solution could be found in simply improving the quality of your sleep.

Dog And Woman Asleep On Bed

Tip 6: Keep It Fresh When It Comes To Sleep Hygiene

After many months of lockdown and many more hours spent indoors during the summer months, it is important to optimise your living spaces, particularly your bedroom for a better night’s sleep.

You may wish to buy a fresh throw, add new cushions and pillows or purchase a new pair of bedsheets.

On the other hand, we would very much like to recommend that you should also try a deep sleep pillow spray.  They are perfect for lightly scenting your pillows but also ideal for your linens and bed sheets.

Your sense of smell is much more potent than your sight and the perfect fragrance can set the scene for a perfect night’s sleep.

Sleep Hygiene Pairfum Luxury Pillow Spray

More Advice For Excellent Sleep Hygiene

There are many other tips to improve your sleep hygiene:

  • Avoid napping during the day, where possible.
  • Don’t eat before you go to bed.
  • Create calming aromas with a linen spray
  • Soak in a bath as part of your nightly routine or as a wind down from a more hectic day.
  • Wear socks when you go to bed. Warm feet send a signal to your body & head that it is bedtime, according to the National Sleep Foundation.
  • Learn a meditation technique you can practice while lying in bed, such as Autogenic Training.

Now you are much more equipped with the techniques for a good night sleep, there is nothing left to say other than …

Sleep Tight and Sleep Well.

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