A Boutique Hotelier’s Guide to Creating a Luxury Haven at Home

Wherever we call ‘Home’, from a Mansion to a Maisonette, we thought that – A Boutique Hotelier’s Guide to Creating a Luxury Haven at Home, is something we can all enjoy and aspire to, irrespective of the size of the house or the budget…

Luxury is something that everyone enjoys and looks forward to, having a luxury haven to return home to after a long stressful day at work, or an even longer harder day looking after your family. Will help you to feel completely relaxed, it is also sure to impress any visitors that you may have, and lets be honest we all like to ‘Look’ our best, so why not have our surroundings looking ‘Good’ too….

Multi Sensorial Sleep Open Air Bed

Fortunately, you do not always have to spend a fortune or take on huge construction projects, to add a touch of ‘Magic’ or achieve a  high-end look in your home!

The following Tips were given to PAIRFUM London by the people in the know, the ‘Hotelier’s’ who’s job it is to create that Luxurious Haven in their wonderful hotels…

Here are just a few ideas or tips to use when creating or up-dating a space, which will quickly become one of your favourite areas at home. A few simple changes and upgrades that you can make when following ‘A Boutique Hotelier’s Guide to Creating a Luxury Haven at Home’. From a grand salon to a cosy sitting room.

Pairfum Livingroom Coffee

Fragrance – well would would lead off with that wouldn’t we….. however there is a very good reason why we do..

When people think about luxury in relation to interior design, they instinctively visualise their surroundings (which is quite normal) they will usually imagine or focus on the things that they can see and touch, but scent is our oldest, and with out you realising it probably our most powerful sense, and one which we ‘Guarantee’ will and does completely change how you feel about a space.

If you don’t believe us! then just imagine walking into a beautiful house or room, which has been permeated by a disgusting aroma – no matter how beautiful it looks – no one would or could stay there unless they suffer from ‘Anosmia’ (loss of the sense of smell).

Bad Smell Nose 2

Now taking this idea a step further…..

Imagine walking into a house or a room that is not as aesthetically pleasing, the furniture may not be to your liking, it may even be mismatched and a little worn around the edges.. but there is a beautiful scented candle flickering on the mantle piece, above a welcoming cosy fire. With a large shabby, comfortable seat or sofa that has seen better days placed in front of it, where you can sit and relax. While from the kitchen comes the smell of a freshly brewed pot of coffee, freshly baked bread or the welcoming aroma of a delicious dinner being prepared…..

Pairfum Lifestyle Living Room Reed Diffuser Loft

Of all the senses – the sense of smell is not easily fooled, it is there to protect us, it is the single sense that goes directly to the brain. So the ‘Nose knows You Know’.. So once the nose is happy with it’s surroundings, the furniture fades into the background, you feel welcome and safe, it is a place you would want to stay. So when planning or designing your surroundings, never forget that most important of factors, the ambient aroma in your home, the top Hotelier’s do not forget and place a very high importance on how their establishment welcomes you as you step through their door, or as you enter in to your bedroom or bathroom.

Pairfum Lifestyle Bathroom Reed Diffuser Cube Medium

When ‘Scent’ is such an important part in the interior design of a home, or work space. How is it that we do not see or hear designers, discuss it with clients when watching an interior design show on T.V, or read about it in interior magazines? It could be that they have not fully grasped how important it is, or some may assume that the customer will choose their favourite smells for themselves. Be that as it may, the problem arises when they do not include or consider just how important ‘How your Home Smells’ is. When first entering a home, a building or a room, the very first thing that greets you is the aroma (whether you are aware of it or not).

Having said that not enough importance is placed on insuring that your ‘House’ or ‘Home’ smells beautiful or welcoming, one group of experts have for years encouraged their clients to use the sense smell when selling their homes … the smell of freshly baked bread or a pot of coffee to make your possible buyers – ‘Feel’ at home….

Sourdough Bread 2

However the experts in welcoming you into their ‘Home away from Home’, the owners and managers of some of the best Hotels in the world, are fully aware of it, and use it to make you welcome and feel comfortable, relaxed and at home when you visit with them.

PAIRFUM luxury and natural reed diffuser on a coffee table in a Mies van der Rohe style house wholesale


Every interior designer will advise you that when used correctly, lighting can and will change a room instantly. Stylish and attractive. wall-lights, uplighters, downlighters, spotlights, table lamps, floor lighting, or a simple string of fairy lights are all perfect ways to change the atmosphere or ambience in a room. They are perfect for illuminating spaces, that are not just practical but are also stylish. Particularly if you have certain areas that you need to light up such as stairwells, offices, doorways or a reading area. It may be that you wish to highlight family photo’s or a favourite piece of artwork (especially the ones created lovingly for you, with the use of crayons)..

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Another perfect form of lighting and one that has been around long before ‘Benjamin Franklin or Thomas Edison’, were even a twinkle in their Mother’s eye. The beautiful flicker of ‘Candle Light’ – a ‘Luxury Scented Natural Candle’ such as the ones found in our PAIRFUM London Collection, are a simply, easy and affordable way to change the atmosphere instantly in any room. Along with adding the soft glow of candlelight, they also bring a relaxing and enjoyable fragrance into your home, and we have a wide range of Perfumes in our collection to choose from, one to suit every home, room or taste.

Pairfum Silver Pedestal Classic Candle Gold

Comfortable Seating

You will also want comfortable seating so that you can relax and enjoy your luxurious surroundings. What to use will depend on your choice of decorative style, your budget and the size of the room you are decorating. However the wide range of stylish sofas and beautiful armchairs that are now available, in a large range of colours, styles and price points make it easier to choose. In the age of up-cycle and re-cycle, one of the ‘Pro Tip’ we were given was “If you can not afford to treat yourself to a new sofa, settee, or couch ( whatever you choose to call it) or a set of new armchairs, then an excellent alternative is to buy or make a new set of large, comfy cushions and or a new throw in a contrasting colour, then kick off your shoes sit back and relax.

top six interior trends london design festival home

Smart Technology

There is a remarkably wide range of technology available which will transform your home, adding a real sense of luxury while bringing your home truly into the 21st century. Wireless home control systems which until recently cost a fortune, are now available for much more reasonable prices. These systems can control the lighting, temperature, entertainment devices, and most systems enable you to control all aspects of your environment, from your tablet or smartphone with ease. No doubt on your wish list may also be the latest television, high-quality stereo system and many other forms of entertainment for this space. However as with smart home technology, these items can be added as and when the budget allows it.

Old Philips Television Set, 3


Finally, we all have our own ideas of what defines our decorative style, from retro, shabby chic, minimalist, modernism or boutique. Everyone wants decorative touches that add that 5 Star elegance, luxury, class and sophistication. Artwork, personal photographs, , stylish rugs and ornaments all work well, but avoid having too much as the old adage of ‘Less is More’ also applies to interior design. Otherwise a space could feel cramped and cluttered, most people have in mind the interior of a ‘Luxury Boutique Hotel’ where they may have been lucky enough to spend some time. Or images of rooms from our favourite interior magazine or T.V. program, that we would love to recreate at home.

Pairfum Livingroom Garden

Whatever your style or taste, following the advice or simple tips from the top ‘Hoteliers’ that PAIRFUM London have the privilege to work with, can help create the perfect luxury haven in your own home. As we mentioned earlier it does not have to cost a fortune or involve major building work to create a relaxing and stylish space, and it can quickly become your favourite space to spend time.

If you are planning any interior or design changes to your home we would love to hear from you, and see the before an after images of the work. Please click on the PAIRFUM to contact us.

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