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Camellia in Great Windsor Park 6 scaled

Blooming Camellias in London

Camellias are a very popular winter- and spring-flowering shrub, offering splashes of colour at a time when few flowers are in bloom.

They were first found in Asia (east & south), and are revered from the Himalayas to Japan and over to Indonesia. There are some 100–250 recorded species. Linnaeus named the genus after the Czech Jesuit botanist George Joseph Kamel.

Camellia Pink Bloom Petal Fragrance Scent

Camellia has no fragrance ?

Loved for their masses of superb blooms and their lush, evergreen foliage, Camellias are, beyond question, a standout amongst the most alluring plants to develop.

Blossoming for a considerable length of time during autumn to spring (depending the variety and climate), they delight us with their stunning flowers in a variety of shapes and colours, at a time of the year when our gardens lack in colour.

Leaves of the Camellia Sinensis blooms are used to make the finest tea and Camellia Sasanqua is equally used to make in Japan.

By pressing the seeds of Camellia Oleifera and Camellia Japonica a sweet seasoning and cooking oil is produced, which a popular oil for cooking in Southern China.

Hence, it is surprising that an oil extracted from Camellia does not produce a pleasant perfume oil for use in fragrances. All scents with camellia are essentially ‘fantasy notes’ build around the beauty of camellia as a concept rather than its fragrance.


There are exceptions though and here are the three most common fragrant varieties:

  • Camellia Lutchuensis: the most scented species. Early in the 1960s, breeders created varieties that incorporated its fragrances leading to a number of hybrids that treat our senses with colour and perfume. The weakness of these is that they have less blooms and evergreen leaves.
  • Camellia Sasanquas: has some fragrance and blooms in the autumn (single and double blooms). Sadly, the flowers only last a few days.
  • Camellia Japonica: a variety of cultivars also have a scent.


Here in London, blooming camellias can be admired at various times throughout the year in the following places:

  • Chiswick House
  • Great Windsor Park & Savill Gardens

Chiswick House

At Chiswick House one can admire a collection of camellias which is widely regarded as one of the finest. In the restored conservatory is the oldest collection of camellias in Britain in a variety of colours: white, pink, red and striped.

The collection includes 33 different varieties, amongst which are some of the earliest varieties brought to Britain in 1828. One of these varieties is the unique camellia ‘Middlemist’s Red’, originally introduced to Britain in 1804 from China by John Middlemist, a botanist from Shepherds Bush in London. It is one of only two in the world.

Great Windsor Park & Savill Gardens

During Spring both gardens, Windsor Park & Savill Gardens, show their best side with beautiful, colourful displays of rhododendrons, camellias and magnolias.

In July, a rare Chinese tree (Cladrastis Sinensis) within the New Camellia Garden, produces white-pink flowers. The New Camellia Garden is located within Great Windsor Park, close to Virginia Water lake.

When autumn turns to winter, the early blooming camellias are a delight with their bright flowers.

Camellia Pink Bloom Petal Sky Green Blue

How To Evaluate Sample Test Try Perfume 14

Best Top 10 Men’s Colognes

When deciding to write a post on the best men’s colognes, it is normally the – Best Top 10 Men’s Colognes for 2018, or Top 10 Men’s Colognes.

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Why Top Ten, why not the Top Twenty or the Top Thirty Five for that matter?

Why refer to them as Colognes for Men, when the word ‘Cologne’ refers to a perfume ‘Classification’, and is not gender specific?

How To Evaluate Sample Test Try Perfume 1

Well now that I am on a roll asking questions! why does it have to be Top Ten Men’s Cologne for 2018 – how about a trip back in time to remember some of the wonderful Men’s fragrances of the 60s, 70s or 80s.

How To Evaluate Sample Test Try Perfume 6

Just like the releases of today, there were some wonderful creations, some you may not have thought so wonderful but they were memorable.

Macho Is Mucho Aftershave Ad

When looking back at the Classic Men’s Perfumes of the 70’s, you quickly realised that the offerings at the time were in general referred to as Men’s Aftershave, as the word ‘Cologne’ was taken to refer to the iconic ‘4711’ – you see we have made some progress…

4711 Cologne 1 ImageSo enough Q&A for now, back to the wonderful Men’s grooming products that have in some instances become classics.

Old Spice Classic Bottle 1

Starting in the late 1960s, single-note musk fragrances became very popular, reaching their peak in the 70s.

Woodstock 70's 1

It was the decade that saw an increase in unisex fragrances, and the creation of the first natural and organic perfumes. It was also the decade in which the number of Men’s fragrances increased in relation to Women’s – for example in the 50s there were 6 Men’s fragrances brought to market – now compare this to 69 that was launched in the 70s…..

English Lavender Aftershave 2

When you mention a particular brand or a perfume name from one of these era’s, most people over the age of 25+ have a memory they can connect to one of these. They could immediately associate them with their Grandfather or even Father.

Tame It's Not Aftershave 1970's

Old Spice: by the Shulton Company(now a part of P&G), although it has been around since the 1930’s, it was in the 1970’s that it changed from being a shaving brand to a fragrance brand by introducing signature scents like ‘Old Spice Burley’. In 2008, the original Old Spice scent was re-branded as “Classic Scent”, with the ‘Old Spice Classic shower gel’  being sold using the wonderful slogan – “The original”- If your grandfather hadn’t worn it, you wouldn’t exist.” – Now if this isn’t a reason to wear fragrance, we don’t know what is!!

Burley Old Spice 1969 2

Kouros: from the Yves Saint Laurent stable which just missed the 70’s, being brought to market in 1981, is a perfume that we could not fail to mention. This Fougère accord that was inspired by a trip to Greece – hence the name, is one that is known by almost anyone who has any interest or love of masculine fragrances.

Original Kouras Bottle 1961

Aramis: by perfumer Bernard Chant in 1965, going back even further into our perfume memory banks. They claimed at the time that this was created to be the most elegant Men’s Cologne in the world, and when worn by the right man who could argue with them…

Aramis Advert 1965

Jovan: the US brand that was founded in 1972 and is synonyms with musk, it was also a market leader in marketing techniques being the 1st Fragrance to sponsor a Rock Band, which it did in 1981 on the Rolling Stones ‘Tattoo You’ tour.

Jovan Musk For Men 1973EAU SAUVAGE: released in 1966 by Christian Dior and was created for them by perfumer Edmond Roudnitska. The name for the perfume was chosen by Dior when his friend Percy Savage turned up late for an appointment … true or not it is certainly an unusual way  to choose the moniker for your new fragrance. It was famous for its fresh, citrusy notes with spicy Lavender on a woody base.

EAU SAUVAGE Bottle Released In 1966 by Christian Dior

Ralph Laurens: their first male fragrance contained a very distinctive pine note, and was packaged in a very disincentive forest green bottle
Polo is one of the first two perfumes by Lauren, and was created by Carlos Benaim in 1978.

Ralph Laurens Polo Their First Male FragranceFaberge Brut: first launched in 1964 by Fabergé, called “The Essence of Man” in one of its advertisements, and who could forget the U.K. advertising campaign with the heavyweight boxer Sir Henry Cooper who asked us to “splash it all over”.

Faberge Brut 1964Paco Rabanne Pour Homme: the first of the aromatic-fougère family, combining spicy and woody notes, Since 1973 this fragrance has been an established cornerstone of contemporary perfumery. It inspired countless men’s fragrances for decades after it’s launch.

Paco Rabanne Pour Homme 1973

Pour Monsieur – In 1972 Pierre Cardin launched his first men’s fragrance, it was a classic of the spicy masculines notes of the 1970’s, and one of the first to come in a non-aerosol spray. The reason for mentioning this is, that Gentlemen were for the most part, used to applying their ‘aftershave’ using the ‘Splash’ method. With the advent of atomisers there was for a time – a tenancy to shall we say “Over apply”, until the lessons of ‘Less is More’ was grasped.

Pour Monsieur – In 1972 Pierre CardinTabac: created by Mäurer & Wirtz in 1959, it may be around for almost 5 decades, but it is loved as much now as it was then – despite or maybe because of the priceless – “Peter Wyngarde Smells – long pause – Great”…… advert.

Smells TABAC December 1971

I was told by someone recently, that one of their most vivid memories of the 70s was of them as a child choosing a Christmas or birthday gift for their father or grandfather. Due to the lack of choice in both what was on offer and their budget constraints, it was a toss-up between Old Spice, Brut, Blue Stratos or if all else failed Denim – well the advert for Denim aftershave did say “It looks good on a Woman but smells better on a Man”….. quite an achievement that an Ad can make you both smile and cringe simultaneously…..

Denim Ad 1977 Looks Good On A Woman

There are so many wonderful Men’s Colognes from the 50s, 60s, 70s & 80s, that we can’t mention them all – especially in an article entitled the Best Top 10 Men’s Colognes.

Aramis Aftershave 1

However we could not finish off without mentioning the colourful, wonderful, imaginative and in some cases most definitely suspect advertising campaigns that went along with these fragrances and the era.

Old Spice Musk Perfume Ad Vintage

For starters – how about encouraging Men to “Start a fire, that Women can’t put out” – as if Women are not busy enough already… Or Play Dirty it’s Cricket..Play Dirty Its Cricket 1966 Aftershave

How about “Englishmen have more dash, Italians are suave- How come Scandinavian Men get to carry on the way they do?” – well to find out the answer to that you would have to ask Shulton the makers of Teak Men’s fragrance in 1968…

Teak By Shulton 1968 Funny Ad For Mens Colonge

Men’s Colognes have been around for thousands of years, albeit under a large number of different guises. They have the ability to capture our attention, and the reason for wearing them ? well if we are very honest it is to capture the attention of other people. They have become a part of our everyday life, and if you were to ask almost every man you know do they wear Cologne, Aftershave of Perfume, then the answer would be a resounding “YES” and it is really easy to see WHY!!

Hai Karate With Oriental Lime 1968 Aftershave

Here at PAIRFUM London we love Men’s Colognes, Men’s Eau de Parfum, Men’s Eau de Toilette, we are really lucky that we get to create Perfume for a living – for Men, for Woman and for the Home.

If you would like to discover more about our New ‘Eau de Parfum’ that will be launched shortly – then please click  HERE


War memorial Runnymede 1

Flypast to Celebrate the 100th Birthday

Waiting on the Flypast to Celebrate the 100th Birthday today by the Royal Air Force, at the top of the Air Forces Memorial at Cooper’s Hill Lane in Englefield Green.

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Churchill’s wartime speech where he said – “Never was so much owed by so many to so few” came to mind.

Runnymede Memorial 2

The Sun was shining and the hundreds of people young and old, who had turned up to watch the spectacle were in a happy but respectful mood.

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If you have never heard of it or had the opportunity to visit, the Memorial overlooks the Thames on Cooper’s Hill in Runnymede, Surrey. It is known to most as the Air Forces Memorial.

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It was opened to commemorates more than 20,000 airmen and women who were lost in the Second World War during operations from bases in the United Kingdom and North and Western Europe who have no known grave.

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It is cared for by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), and is a beautiful, peaceful if poignant place to visit.

Every person today who takes their freedom for granted, would do well to visit one of the many sites across Europe such as the Air Forces Memorial, to be reminded how lucky we are and how much we owe to others.

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It is shocking to see list after list of the names, ages and countries of those who did not come back. From Ireland, Canada, Australia, Poland, USA, India, to name but a few.

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So when I stood there today in the Sunshine surrounded by people of many nations, waiting on the Flypast to celebrate the RAF’s 100th Birthday.

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I could not stop thinking of all the Men and Women barely more than children, who went to fight for freedom and who did not return.

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So from everyone here at PAIRFUM London “Thank You”.

Organic Wash Lotions image on Beach

Yanny or Laurel Moment

When it comes to a difference of opinion recently in the office, we have taken to referring to it as a Yanny or Laurel Moment.

So what is it?

It does not really matter whether it is a discussion about Football, Food, TV or your all time favourite perfume note. What is more important in a Yanny or Laurel Moment, is that everyone is right and at the same time everyone is wrong.

Football 1

With the weekend to look forward to and the sun shining, having a Yanny or Laurel moment when planning what to do is not so bad.

Remember you have a 50 : 50 chance of being right – so lets just leave it at that.

However the one thing that everyone agrees upon is the need to protect your skin from the Sun.

The Sun Shines In The Eyes Of The Child

Sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or higher should always be used, it is very important to protect your skin against UVB.

Another very important thing to remember is to moisturise your skin, especially after being out in the Sun for a period of time.

Body & Lotion Image On Beach 2

The PAIRFUM London Organic Washes and Prebiotic & Organic Body Lotions, deeply moisturises & hydrates skin with pure, organic oils. They also strengthen the micro-flora of your skin with prebiotics so that it can defend itself.

To see the Full Skin care collection from PAIRFUM London, please click here

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Amazing Women

The name Millicent Fawcett or Dame Millicent Garrett Fawcett born the 11th of June 1847, and died the 5th of August 1929 aged 82, was one of the U.K’s ‘Amazing Women’ a forerunner in the feminist movement she was an intellectual, a political leader, an activist and writer. She was a leading suffragist and was instrumental in securing votes for women in 1918. Her belief was that peaceful protest using non-violent demonstrations and petitions to MPs, would achieve better results than violent confrontations.

Millicent Garrett Fawcett 2 Gower Street Blue Plaque

The eighth of ten children Millicent came from a very close and happy family in which the children were encouraged to read widely, speak their minds and be physically active. In a time when ‘Women should be seen and not heard’, they were also encouraged to share in the political interests of their father.

Her older sister Elizabeth Garrett Anderson another Amazing Women, faced an almighty uphill struggle to become the first female doctor in the UK, and this fight spurred her on in her campaign for female equality.

She became the president of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies in 1897, this group joined together with other suffrage groups including Emmeline Pankhurst’s suffragette movement.

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In 1918, the Representation of the People act was passed granting voting rights to only some women in the UK, to be allowed to vote you had to be over 30 years old and hold £5 of property ( a small amount by today’s standards, but an insurmountable barrier for some Women of the time) or have a husband who did.

In 1928, voting rights were then extended to all women over 21 in line with men, and Millicent who was 81 years old at that time, watched on in the public gallery in the House of Commons as the bill was passed.

Votes For Women Lapel Pin (Nancy)

A bronze statue of Millicent Fawcett in Parliament Square in London, holding a banner on which is written the phrase “Courage calls to Courage everywhere”, stands as a reminder to all of us that it is thanks to Amazing Women like Millicent the World over that we have in most countries the right to Vote and to gender equality.

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A poll held by BBC Radio 4 saw Millicent Fawcett chosen as the most influential women of the past 100 years.

So to all the Amazing Women World wide, our Mothers, Grandmothers, Sisters, Aunts, Teachers, thank you for for showing us the way and for teaching us that “Courage calls to Courage everywhere”.

Millicent Fawcett

From all the Women and Men at PAIRFUM London thank you – Click Here

Smile Happy Health Life Man

What Makes You Happy?

What would your answer be, if someone stops you in the street and asks you “What makes you Happy”? Or, what is the meaning of ‘Happiness’, the elusive state that theologians, philosophers and psychologists have been mulling over and researching for ever (or so it seems).

Would it be – the ability to hop from one joy to the next, from one happy moment to the next without a break? Or, is that the definition of exhaustion?

Research has shown that to achieve happiness we must go through times that involve periods of displeasure, annoyance and down right vexation. Other elements in our day to day living effect how we feel, general health, money is important but only to a certain point, as it helps to relieve the strain or worry about housing, food, clothing etc. Our life circumstances, work, marital status, social relationships, can and do influence our sense of well-being or how happy we feel.

Smile Happy Health Everyone Girl

It would appear from reading between the lines of all the research papers, that happiness is a state of well-being that encompasses living a good life, and no we do not mean turning your back garden into a small holding. Unless that is what would really make you ‘Happy’, and the neighbours don’t mind!. It means doing something irrespective of what that ‘Thing’ is, that gives you a sense of meaning and deep satisfaction.

Smile Happy Health Life Girl

The really good news is, that research shows that much of what makes us ‘Happy’ is under our personal control. Small things such as taking a long leisurely soak in the bath, and of course, this is where we would recommend that you use one of the PAIRFUM Organic Washes and lotions (well, we would, wouldn’t we! – because that is what makes us ‘Happy’ – Click here for PAIRFUM Happy)

So from setting yourself a goal to getting involved in an enjoyable, or sometimes not so enjoyable an activity. Socialising, keeping in touch with friends and family, to finding simple ways to teach or remind yourself not to react in a certain way when certain situations arise, and they will every single day. You decide how ‘Happy’ you would like to be today, and remember as odd as it may seem that going through the tough times enables us to feel a deeper sense of contentment or achievement.

Be Happy And Smile

So, you may decide not to turn your back garden into a version of the 1975 TV series in a bid to live the ‘Good Life’ , but the important thing to remember is that we can all ‘Cultivate Happy’.

Maybe today “Happiness is wearing your favourite Perfume, and sharing it with the World” – Huib Maat.

Tell us what makes you happy.

PAIRFUM World's First Perfumer Eau de Parfum

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Why does Perfume trigger such Powerful Memories?

Our sense of smell can take us back in time stirring forgotten emotions, why does perfume trigger such powerful memories?.

We each have scents that trigger something in our emotions and memories, no matter what the fragrance is, scents and memory are powerfully linked.

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Certain smells can serve as strong reminders of past experience, much more so than any other sensory signal, such as sights or sounds.

There are more than one area of the brain that is used to analyses scents, and the olfactory regions do not only serve for smelling, but are also used, if we experience emotions and when we are memorizing events. The olfactory bulb is closely connected to the amygdala and hippocampus regions of the brain that handle memory and emotion.

Pairfum Springfair 2018 Eau De Parfum 65

So it is not really surprising that we link certain smells and perfumes with particular memories from our past. We can all recall a moment in time when the smell of freshly cut grass or the faintest hint of a favourite Perfume, brought us back to a time and place in our past in the bat of an eyelid.

#scentmemories #fbloggers #fashionblogger #styleblogger #ontheblog #linkinprofile #lifestyleblog #lifestyleblogger #diyblog #bloggerstyle #minimalmood #minimalove #minimal_perfection #minimalhunter #minimalismo #minimal_graphy #minimalfashion #interiorinspiration #decorinspiration #apartmenttherapy #mywestelm #UOhome #sodomino #decorhome #apartmentlife #love


9 best fragrances for women autumn winter

9 Best Fragrances For Women – Autumn / Winter 2016

Looking For Inspiration ?

It is the time of year when a large variety of New Women’s Fragrances are being introduced in preparation for Christmas.

It is fair to say that the fragrance of autumn is in the perfumery isles !

The weather is getting colder, the first leaves are dropping and gradually but surely autumn is creeping into our lives. It is time to look at some ‘warming’ fragrances for this time of the year.

Here is a link to an interesting article about the best New Women’s Fragrances For Autumn / Winter.

Click to read the article

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